Smart image resize
Smart image resize

smart image resize

To fix this, you will either need to find a repository that includes the version of GD that you need, or compile php-gd from source. Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageconvolution() This means that you are using a version of GD that does not include the imageconvolution() function.


To fix this, install GD (make sure you are using a version that includes the imageconvolution() function). As of this time, I am spending more time focusing on SLIR 2.Ĭommon error messages Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatetruecolor() This most likely means that you do not have GD installed. Finally, if you can’t get any information out of any of these things, run a phpinfo() and send me a link–if I have time I’ll take a look at it and tell you if anything looks out of the ordinary.If you can’t get the script to give you any information, try peaking into your error logs.It is possible that the script is trying to use a function that doesn’t exist in your installation and configuration of PHP. If that doesn’t give you any information, turn on error reporting (add error_reporting(E_ALL) to the top of image.php) and see if that gives you any information.

smart image resize

If there is an error message here, it should be quite helpful. For example, for example, stick this in your browser’s address bar.

  • Try visiting the URL that you are using as the src attribute of your img tag directly in the browser.
  • Restart Apache and verify with a phpinfo().
  • Turn on “display_errors = on” in your php.ini file.
  • Make your imagecache directory is writable by the web server (usually chmod 775).
  • In the same directory, create a directory called “imagecache”.
  • Note that on some distributions, the default php-gd package may not be adequate.) Downloadĭownload Smart Image Resizer v1.4.1 (Released August 6, 2008) Tip jar ( You need a version of GD that supports imageconvolution(), such as the bundled version.
  • Built-in caching keeps image variations for optimal performance.
  • Can color-fill transparent GIFs and PNGs.
  • Intelligently sharpens for crisp photos at any size.
  • smart image resize

    It’s a relief that I won’t have to go through to resize and re-upload a thousand photos to make sure they look right–I’ll just have to change the links to them and I’ll be all set. All of the magic is done through the query string part of the URL in the src attribute of the img tag.Īnd, if this wasn’t a big enough time-saver for me right now, it’ll be a huge time-saver the next time I decide to redesign my site. It doesn’t matter if the images are in a post, on a page, or in a template file–it just works. I upload each image once at a high enough resolution and can then reuse it at any size I want, anywhere I want. The major advantage of this script is that it allows me to resize and crop any image on my website without touching the actual image or writing any code. To tackle this, I developed the Smart Image Resizer and have been using it around the site for the past few months. One of the challenges that comes with maintaining a graphic-intensive website like Shifting Pixel is finding a way to get high quality images throughout the site with as little effort as possible.

    smart image resize

    A ridiculously easy-to-use PHP script for resizing images the smart way.

    Smart image resize